Monday, May 10, 2010
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye
This blog is closing in one month on June 08th If you want anything from it let me know ( it will still exist but be for me alone)
Why? Because it has served its purpose.
When June 8th
How by being a closed blog
What Well its time to shut it down so that I can write my books
Where I shall be leaving you permanently because politics is rigged by the matrix system in this country and only a peoples revolution and a republic would ever sort things out.
Who You know who I am but the fact is that politics will only be fair if all the satanists and the rich men on this earth who have made their fortunes from exploiting other people are no longer with us in the mortal sense.
There will be no more posts on this blog.
It has been a pleasure and a delight for all of you who have met me in person, and for those who have been supportive For those who haven't remember this In the final reckoning you will weighed and if the balance is against the good don't expect to survive.
This is the end of this journey and the beginning of a brand new one.
One outside the matrix that infests us, brainwashes us and exploits us as its servants.
You have a choice I have finally made mine.
So Long and thanks for all the Fish.
Nanoo Nanoo Mork signing out from Ork.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
David Cameron You are Lisle
Better beware be canny and careful baby you're on the brink.
And I claim my five pounds
Better beware be canny and careful baby you're on the brink.
And I claim my five pounds
The Great Zoranie Predicts
In six months time you will be shocked
George Osborne will become leader of the Conservative Party
Gordon Brown will become a caretaker prime minister with the Glib Dems for six months
Electoral reform will be brought in as it will continue to split the vote.
David Cameron will go the way of William Hague.
His soon to be born child will be disabled
He will therefore give up being leader to look after that child.
Get your bets in now.
George Osborne will become leader of the Conservative Party
Gordon Brown will become a caretaker prime minister with the Glib Dems for six months
Electoral reform will be brought in as it will continue to split the vote.
David Cameron will go the way of William Hague.
His soon to be born child will be disabled
He will therefore give up being leader to look after that child.
Get your bets in now.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Problem Reaction Solution
People were turned away from the polling booths.
They had queued to vote.
The whole thing smacks of vote rigging and a purposeful ploy to create a hung parliament because the problem reaction solution is
The Lisbon treaty needs to be re ratified.
That's the problem
If Cameron had got in, He would have had to give a referendum before re-ratifying it or face the prospect of the Conservatives staying out a whole generation from power.
Reaction is to rig the election to give the stupid voter the appearance of a hung parliament
( this is also why Brown is giving Cleggy the flying nokia treatment) The Lib-Lab pact was determined in advance ( we are going to have Gordon for another year) Once the Lisbon treaty has been re ratified Gordon will get knighted and become one of the order of the Garter.
To create a situation that is controllable
The power has been divided and so the forces that rule this country can get on and do the bits they need to whilst there is a bloody interregnum
The IMF is already hard at work under the careful stewardship of Herbert Morrison's grandson
The Prince of Darkness himself
Peter Mandelson.
I humbly present my statement and hope that you will accept it.
They had queued to vote.
The whole thing smacks of vote rigging and a purposeful ploy to create a hung parliament because the problem reaction solution is
The Lisbon treaty needs to be re ratified.
That's the problem
If Cameron had got in, He would have had to give a referendum before re-ratifying it or face the prospect of the Conservatives staying out a whole generation from power.
Reaction is to rig the election to give the stupid voter the appearance of a hung parliament
( this is also why Brown is giving Cleggy the flying nokia treatment) The Lib-Lab pact was determined in advance ( we are going to have Gordon for another year) Once the Lisbon treaty has been re ratified Gordon will get knighted and become one of the order of the Garter.
To create a situation that is controllable
The power has been divided and so the forces that rule this country can get on and do the bits they need to whilst there is a bloody interregnum
The IMF is already hard at work under the careful stewardship of Herbert Morrison's grandson
The Prince of Darkness himself
Peter Mandelson.
I humbly present my statement and hope that you will accept it.
You've been Had
I know that many of you are hung up if you'll pardon the pun about the election.
Don't bother Its actually not important The LibLabConDems got returned to power and all the independents were squeezed out. ALL of them
That it itself is more worrying than a hung parliament.
Successive governments have refused to cut the foreign aid budget even though we are in rapid deficit or in meltdown with the economy
Why should this be?
I suggest you sleep on it ( it is also the amount of money raised from income tax every year) There's a salutary lesson on that one.
The last time this happened Heath got blasted out of power because he was about to give the game away.
The same with Gordonomics
Another interesting fact is that the USA is permanently against the axis of evil
What have these access of evil governments or in the case of Somalia ( no government) actually done?
They have invested in nuclear power for their electricity generation
This makes them a threat for some reason? Hello Yes they may get some warheads out of it but so what? No one would ever use them because they know that the possibility of using them is out of the question but what nuclear power does do is bring cheap electricity to homes and people.
"With nuclear energy generating electricity in cheap and abundant supplies, Third
World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to
assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity is THE key to bringing Third
World countries out of their backward state"
Do you see how that threatens America? Obama is hailed as the leader of the free world
There's nothing free about it. Everywhere in the so called free world there are regulations, tariffs, bureacracy and hurdles to pass.
I don't call that free I call that torture.
We have a situation where the international observers were horrified at our electoral process but yet we bang on about how a democracy should be run.
People were queuing to vote and were turned away
That is a much bigger headline than a hung parliament It smacks of the election being orchestrated to create one.
Problem reaction solution
Thats what most of you are being preached to right now
OH NO theres a HUNG parliament what the hell are we going to do about it?
The easiest solution would be to re run the election in one weeks time, And to keep the polling booths open until all the people who wanted to could vote
They won't do that.
This has been carefully orchestrated through the Fake Debates on tv, brain washing and the polls.
and by lessening the amount of polling booths and officers to count votes.
Its a scam and its been done to you with your eyes wide open.
You've been had,
You dont believe me?
All politicians are liars are they not?
So why do you believe them year on year out with no tangible actual real return?
Ask your self that one And sleep on it and then wake up and smell the coffee
In fact fast for 24 hours just taking bottled water and think about it Flush all the toxins out of your system and think
You'll be furious when you realise how badly and how easily the wool has been slipped so sweetly over your eyes.
If you have any questions email me
Don't bother Its actually not important The LibLabConDems got returned to power and all the independents were squeezed out. ALL of them
That it itself is more worrying than a hung parliament.
Successive governments have refused to cut the foreign aid budget even though we are in rapid deficit or in meltdown with the economy
Why should this be?
I suggest you sleep on it ( it is also the amount of money raised from income tax every year) There's a salutary lesson on that one.
The last time this happened Heath got blasted out of power because he was about to give the game away.
The same with Gordonomics
Another interesting fact is that the USA is permanently against the axis of evil
What have these access of evil governments or in the case of Somalia ( no government) actually done?
They have invested in nuclear power for their electricity generation
This makes them a threat for some reason? Hello Yes they may get some warheads out of it but so what? No one would ever use them because they know that the possibility of using them is out of the question but what nuclear power does do is bring cheap electricity to homes and people.
"With nuclear energy generating electricity in cheap and abundant supplies, Third
World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to
assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity is THE key to bringing Third
World countries out of their backward state"
Do you see how that threatens America? Obama is hailed as the leader of the free world
There's nothing free about it. Everywhere in the so called free world there are regulations, tariffs, bureacracy and hurdles to pass.
I don't call that free I call that torture.
We have a situation where the international observers were horrified at our electoral process but yet we bang on about how a democracy should be run.
People were queuing to vote and were turned away
That is a much bigger headline than a hung parliament It smacks of the election being orchestrated to create one.
Problem reaction solution
Thats what most of you are being preached to right now
OH NO theres a HUNG parliament what the hell are we going to do about it?
The easiest solution would be to re run the election in one weeks time, And to keep the polling booths open until all the people who wanted to could vote
They won't do that.
This has been carefully orchestrated through the Fake Debates on tv, brain washing and the polls.
and by lessening the amount of polling booths and officers to count votes.
Its a scam and its been done to you with your eyes wide open.
You've been had,
You dont believe me?
All politicians are liars are they not?
So why do you believe them year on year out with no tangible actual real return?
Ask your self that one And sleep on it and then wake up and smell the coffee
In fact fast for 24 hours just taking bottled water and think about it Flush all the toxins out of your system and think
You'll be furious when you realise how badly and how easily the wool has been slipped so sweetly over your eyes.
If you have any questions email me
Though of course most of you on a low fat low cholesterol diet won't That's government propaganda for you
Friday, May 7, 2010
Be like the Kettle and Sing
Thankfully this election is over but there's going to be another general election within a year or so It may even be earlier depending on how messy the divorce between Cameron and Clegg is and how much acrimony gets thrown around.
Needless to say Brown is grinning like the Cheshire cat.
Its not over till the lady sings really.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
And now for something completely different.....
Arthur , King of the Britons
Of course I could have put the Spanish Inquisition here because that would have accurately reflected other events but this one is just as much fun.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Twas the night before....
Twas the night before the election and all through the house,
No one was stirring not even the spouse,
The postal vote had been posted,
and the polling card had arrived,
the people were voting with their conscience as their party loyalty died,
They were going indie & making a stand,
they wanted a different way of governing the land,
They knew that the people who didnt usually vote,
could make a difference even if the odds were stoked,
The bookies would lose and the people would win,
and the career politicians would pay for their sins.
Have fun tomorrow but choose your cross wisely.
No one was stirring not even the spouse,
The postal vote had been posted,
and the polling card had arrived,
the people were voting with their conscience as their party loyalty died,
They were going indie & making a stand,
they wanted a different way of governing the land,
They knew that the people who didnt usually vote,
could make a difference even if the odds were stoked,
The bookies would lose and the people would win,
and the career politicians would pay for their sins.
Have fun tomorrow but choose your cross wisely.
Place your vote with your conscience
Cross posted from Ian PJ on Politics
It is now less than 24 hours before the voting stations open in the 2010 UK General Election.
After 3 weeks of end to end coverage, there has been some positive campaigning countered by even more negative campaigning, there have been lies and counter lies, information met with disinformation and rightly the public are confused as to which is the best way to place their vote.
I can only say that you alone must make that decision, but I would suggest you now set aside the propaganda from all sides, and think. You don’t have to vote with the herd simply because you think everyone else is doing so, be yourself and vote with your conscience.
Voting for smaller parties or Independents is no sin if that is what you believe will be the right thing to do, if you believe that they will do the right thing and represent you properly if elected. No vote is a wasted vote no matter where you place it, so long as you do place it, but if you simply act like a herd you will be treated as such beyond the election.
Throughout this campaign we have seen and heard an awful lot about promises, pledges and contracts, some we like, much we don’t, but as we have discovered to our cost in recent years, those Party Manifestos are not subject to the law, and have indeed been proven in court to be ‘not subject to legitimate expectation’.
There is only one Pledge that will be legally binding when you go to vote tomorrow, that of The Albion Alliance. Those politicians who have signed up to it have agreed to the following.
We would have liked to have seen far more candidates willing to stand up and be counted in this way, but those 99 who have already pledged, if returned to parliament can make a huge impact.
They may not represent a party that you would normally vote for, but consider whether on this matter alone, and the likelihood of the Lisbon Treaty coming before parliament again this autumn for re-ratification, does that individual candidate represent you and your view rather than the if/but/perhaps/maybe vagueness of the others.
Remember, If you continue to vote the same, you will continue to get the same.
I am one of those 99 so choose wisely.
Here is my write up in the Ham and High
Place your vote with your conscience May 5, 2010
It is now less than 24 hours before the voting stations open in the 2010 UK General Election.
After 3 weeks of end to end coverage, there has been some positive campaigning countered by even more negative campaigning, there have been lies and counter lies, information met with disinformation and rightly the public are confused as to which is the best way to place their vote.
I can only say that you alone must make that decision, but I would suggest you now set aside the propaganda from all sides, and think. You don’t have to vote with the herd simply because you think everyone else is doing so, be yourself and vote with your conscience.
Voting for smaller parties or Independents is no sin if that is what you believe will be the right thing to do, if you believe that they will do the right thing and represent you properly if elected. No vote is a wasted vote no matter where you place it, so long as you do place it, but if you simply act like a herd you will be treated as such beyond the election.
Throughout this campaign we have seen and heard an awful lot about promises, pledges and contracts, some we like, much we don’t, but as we have discovered to our cost in recent years, those Party Manifestos are not subject to the law, and have indeed been proven in court to be ‘not subject to legitimate expectation’.
There is only one Pledge that will be legally binding when you go to vote tomorrow, that of The Albion Alliance. Those politicians who have signed up to it have agreed to the following.
I pledge to work tirelessly to give the voters of my constituency a democratic and direct voice in the United Kingdom’s continued relationship with the EU.If you really want change, if you wish to see the democratic deficit restored as much as these few can make it, I hope you make good use of the Albion Alliance database (click on ‘refine search’, then ‘pledged’). Look at those candidates kindly who have taken the time, trouble and have been bold enough to make this personal pledge on your behalf, by rewarding them and their honesty with your vote.
I pledge that I will sponsor a Private Members Bill, written in clear concise terms, calling for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union – and/or support any motion for such a referendum – and to vote positively for any Bill that may call for such a referendum, irrespective of Party Whip, with a view to the successful outcome of this pledge within 1 year of a new Parliament or sooner.
We would have liked to have seen far more candidates willing to stand up and be counted in this way, but those 99 who have already pledged, if returned to parliament can make a huge impact.
They may not represent a party that you would normally vote for, but consider whether on this matter alone, and the likelihood of the Lisbon Treaty coming before parliament again this autumn for re-ratification, does that individual candidate represent you and your view rather than the if/but/perhaps/maybe vagueness of the others.
Remember, If you continue to vote the same, you will continue to get the same.
I am one of those 99 so choose wisely.
Here is my write up in the Ham and High
If Tomorrow Comes
Ive been accused of not appreciating someone, who left comments on this blog somewhat regularly. Thing is , we've all had instances of people ignoring us or us thinking we have been ignored but the person involved has no idea of what we were smarting about or when we were ignored.
Thing is in the 21st century we all have very busy lives, sometimes things aren't always picked up or noticed because we screen out things and prioritise events and we can't react to everyone or everything with the same notice that we give to our priorities, we would burn out with the amount of information we had to process.
For example:
Thats your prerogative and your choice. I may not have responded because there was no more to say whenever you commented before, sometimes there isn't. I tend not to get involved with comments all the time, and since you haven't a link for me to look at then I can't see who you are. If you'd googled me before and said hello then maybe I would remember you but at the moment I have lot going on in my life so not everything revolves around the blog.
Besides which I never put a donate button on before because I was in a party, not an independent, and therefore some of the costs would have been borne out by party expenditure hopefully.
When you're on your own its different so I acquiesced and put one on. No matter. One vote in wood green is only 0.52 really which is better than most safe seats but we'll see what happens on Friday morning.
Your choice at the end of the day.
Disclaimer to any one else I dont always respond to comments. I'll only do it if there is something more to be said. I don't particularly like to waffle in the comments section.
So anyone who leaves a comment I may not reply but you can email me and you will eventually get a response but I'm as human as the next guy If I haven't managed to get back to you within a week there's nothing wrong with you sending another one to remind me.
As for the title one of my favourite miniseries by Sidney Sheldon.
Thing is in the 21st century we all have very busy lives, sometimes things aren't always picked up or noticed because we screen out things and prioritise events and we can't react to everyone or everything with the same notice that we give to our priorities, we would burn out with the amount of information we had to process.
For example:
Nikks said...
- Do you realise that before you stood for parliament, I left a comment on your blog often. It is obvious that you did not perceive me as intellectually important as you never responded. Therefore I will not vote for you.Sorry, Dear Possible Chum, but you are representative of all parties. Until an election - you are indifferent to me and then I am suddenly important and you request a donation.5 May 2010 02:24:00 GMT+01:00
Thats your prerogative and your choice. I may not have responded because there was no more to say whenever you commented before, sometimes there isn't. I tend not to get involved with comments all the time, and since you haven't a link for me to look at then I can't see who you are. If you'd googled me before and said hello then maybe I would remember you but at the moment I have lot going on in my life so not everything revolves around the blog.
Besides which I never put a donate button on before because I was in a party, not an independent, and therefore some of the costs would have been borne out by party expenditure hopefully.
When you're on your own its different so I acquiesced and put one on. No matter. One vote in wood green is only 0.52 really which is better than most safe seats but we'll see what happens on Friday morning.
Your choice at the end of the day.
Disclaimer to any one else I dont always respond to comments. I'll only do it if there is something more to be said. I don't particularly like to waffle in the comments section.
So anyone who leaves a comment I may not reply but you can email me and you will eventually get a response but I'm as human as the next guy If I haven't managed to get back to you within a week there's nothing wrong with you sending another one to remind me.
As for the title one of my favourite miniseries by Sidney Sheldon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Like Lambs to Slaughter
An avid reader suggested that I put up what the budget cuts would be under the three main parties ( remember if I'm elected I would try and get these reversed because we wouldn't have to fund the EU that wonderful burning hole in Britain's pockets and therefore would have our own money to spend)
Here is the link to the report . It makes for serious reading. Apologies to those who thought I might be at the hustings at Noel Park tonight. Unfortunately my geographical position at this time precludes that and so my apologies are in order ( it is one of two hustings I was invited to) I don't believe in gatecrashing the others though apparently my name was on one of the others but no one had invited me according to my next door neighbour who was there.
You'll see that the mansion tax comes into force, that means some Highgate dwellers in our constituency will have to stump up £2000 or more depending I'm talking about Sheldon avenue, Denewood Road areas
Thats what you get for a LibDem victory in Wood Green because the more people vote Libdem the more likely the mansion tax is going to hit you. Clegg may even become Prime Minister in which case the mansion tax will be rolled out.
Fancy having to pay extra because your house is worth £2million and above Which in this part of London is very easy Even the new places on Cranley Gardens are being sold at 1.6million which is horribly out of the reach of most people.
Here is the link to the report . It makes for serious reading. Apologies to those who thought I might be at the hustings at Noel Park tonight. Unfortunately my geographical position at this time precludes that and so my apologies are in order ( it is one of two hustings I was invited to) I don't believe in gatecrashing the others though apparently my name was on one of the others but no one had invited me according to my next door neighbour who was there.
You'll see that the mansion tax comes into force, that means some Highgate dwellers in our constituency will have to stump up £2000 or more depending I'm talking about Sheldon avenue, Denewood Road areas
Thats what you get for a LibDem victory in Wood Green because the more people vote Libdem the more likely the mansion tax is going to hit you. Clegg may even become Prime Minister in which case the mansion tax will be rolled out.
Fancy having to pay extra because your house is worth £2million and above Which in this part of London is very easy Even the new places on Cranley Gardens are being sold at 1.6million which is horribly out of the reach of most people.
The LibLabCon
A picture is worth a thousand words H/t to Lawson
Sorry Lynne Featherstone but its true isn't it? Karen Jennings you know it to be true
As for Richard Merrin this little article caught my eye earlier so sorry Richard....
If you are in the public eye it means being above reproach of that kind of story. What people do in private is their business and never let that be forgotten; but when you have money involved then it becomes rather difficult.
You the public of Hornsey and Wood Green have a choice this election. You can have a future full of fear fairly shared out to you or you can have a positive future with an Independent who cares about your hopes and wishes.
Vote KAPUR on Thursday 6th May for a brighter, fearless future for all sectors of society.
Sorry Lynne Featherstone but its true isn't it? Karen Jennings you know it to be true
As for Richard Merrin this little article caught my eye earlier so sorry Richard....
If you are in the public eye it means being above reproach of that kind of story. What people do in private is their business and never let that be forgotten; but when you have money involved then it becomes rather difficult.
You the public of Hornsey and Wood Green have a choice this election. You can have a future full of fear fairly shared out to you or you can have a positive future with an Independent who cares about your hopes and wishes.
Vote KAPUR on Thursday 6th May for a brighter, fearless future for all sectors of society.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Ballot Paper in Hornsey and Wood Green ( Blank)
It is blank to comply with electoral rules .
I have had the pleasure of being able to vote for someone who I have to trust on a daily basis. Its finally in my fortieth year that I can vote for myself.
From this ballot paper and also from Haringey council's official list the following facts are clear
Richard Merrin does not live in the constituency and his address bears witness to the fact that he was a selection candidate for the Kentish Town council once upon a time in the past.
His brother does live in the constituency as he is one of his 10 assentors on the nomination form
Of the other candidates
Stephane has demurred by not declaring on the ballot paper where he lives.
Lynne lives in the part of Highgate I would love to be able to live in ( if money grew on trees) and a short walk to the heath
Karen lives in Cranley Gardens ( which has somewhat of a chequered history with Dennis Nilsen ) she lives ten doors down from that place and is very handy for Highgate wood and the parkland walk
Peter lives in the terraces behind Alexandra Palace station and thats handy for Alexandra Park
I myself live at the eastern edge of the constituency in a maisonette, handy for Russell Park
Choose wisely. Choose the person who you think will deliver for you as you govern the country not the parties, your cross transfers power from you to your elected representative. Someone described it as somewhat exciting this morning on twitter I replied saying transfers of power always are.
Its like jumpstarting a car.
Do you want Yellow, Red, Green or Blue policies or do you want policies that come from you the 78000 electors in Hornsey and Wood Green? You get to decide on Thursday. Remember you might not get that chance again for five years.
Apologies to those I couldn't get round to with a leaflet ( its a big constituency)
Vote Kapur on Thursday and I promise to deliver what ever the majority in Hornsey and Wood Green want.
I have had the pleasure of being able to vote for someone who I have to trust on a daily basis. Its finally in my fortieth year that I can vote for myself.
From this ballot paper and also from Haringey council's official list the following facts are clear
Richard Merrin does not live in the constituency and his address bears witness to the fact that he was a selection candidate for the Kentish Town council once upon a time in the past.
His brother does live in the constituency as he is one of his 10 assentors on the nomination form
Of the other candidates
Stephane has demurred by not declaring on the ballot paper where he lives.
Lynne lives in the part of Highgate I would love to be able to live in ( if money grew on trees) and a short walk to the heath
Karen lives in Cranley Gardens ( which has somewhat of a chequered history with Dennis Nilsen ) she lives ten doors down from that place and is very handy for Highgate wood and the parkland walk
Peter lives in the terraces behind Alexandra Palace station and thats handy for Alexandra Park
I myself live at the eastern edge of the constituency in a maisonette, handy for Russell Park
Choose wisely. Choose the person who you think will deliver for you as you govern the country not the parties, your cross transfers power from you to your elected representative. Someone described it as somewhat exciting this morning on twitter I replied saying transfers of power always are.
Its like jumpstarting a car.
Do you want Yellow, Red, Green or Blue policies or do you want policies that come from you the 78000 electors in Hornsey and Wood Green? You get to decide on Thursday. Remember you might not get that chance again for five years.
Apologies to those I couldn't get round to with a leaflet ( its a big constituency)
Vote Kapur on Thursday and I promise to deliver what ever the majority in Hornsey and Wood Green want.
None of the Lib Lab Con ( and possibly the Greens) are what they seem
Cross posted from Witterings in Witney
with Hat Tip to Ian PJ on politics
The editorial in today's Daily Telegraph is headlined "The LibDems are not what they seem to be", a statement that can also be applied to both Labour and the Conservatives. As a piece presumably to 'diss' the LibDems, one has to wonder who wrote this disastrous example that is supposed to be 'journalism' and whether they actually read that which they had written.
Selecting Clegg's apparent belief in 'localism' and contrasting this with his desire to be a member of the European Union does not differentiate Clegg from David Cameron, in fact it highlights the similarity. Likewise the editorial selects Clegg's wish for an amnesty for illegal immigrants as an example of liberalism against what the paper calls the 'authoritarian' idea of herding new immigrants to areas where they are needed. And the difference with this 'authoritarian' idea and that of David Cameron with his vision of a 'Big Society' which includes 'volunteer' groups or a National Citizen's Service for 16 yearolds, is what exactly? Therefore the question has to be asked; just what is the 'raison d'etre' for the LibDems existence? The same question could well be directed to David Cameron and the Conservatives, but I digress.With Labour, whilst one knows that their idealogy means more state control over our lives, thought and actions, what they keep hidden is the degree to which their control will achieve.
It can be accepted that society today functions by one of two methods - socialism or capitalism. In a nutshell Socialism can be defined as government control of people and production and capitalism defined as minimalist government, with the market - a mechanism that decides the best way of accomplishing any given task - achieving prosperity for both people and country.
To attempt embracing both worlds of socialism and capitalism can only lead to indecision and badly planned and implemented policies, exemplified by the Blair and Brown governments. What is obvious is that whoever forms the next government, be that 'fair' (red), 'fairness' (yellow) or 'change' (blue), 'big government' will prevail, not just from our 'national' government in Brussels, but also from our 'toy' government in Westminster who will continue to grant various aspects of 'freedom' - but freedom with strings attached - to the people.
It is a sad fact of this election that the question which should have been debated, has not. That question is: Who governs us? It is a question asked not just with regard to our country's membership of the European Union, but also from an aspect of locally. In a democracy, should not the people be able to govern themselves? The problem from which we presently suffer is that we, the people, have become subservient to politicians and bureaucrats whereas it should be the politicians and bureaucrats who should be subservient to the people. Over decades the politicians and bureaucrats have brain-washed the people to the extent that the people have now lost the will and ability to think for themselves.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A vote for the three main parties ( and the Greens) is a vote for a dictatorship
I would urge to you listen to the whole youtube video.
I have shown you in the last post that your vote does count.
I will vote the way the constituents want me to vote.
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