Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Murdering Medical Careers

Right time to throw a good broad side and up the political stakes. The government are as we speak butchering the hopes and ideals of 18000 young doctors a vast proportion of whom will leave these shores never to return in order to get a job abroad in New Zealand, Australia and anywhere else they can find one. Hell I'm even thinking of leaving myself as the NHS will be a shadow of its former self once these awful plans get entrenched, but because I'm a slightly older version of a junior doctor and am rather attached to these shores I wont be going farther than the EU. Sweden for all its high taxation looks to be the best place because at least they plough the money back into social systems rather than spend it on unnecessary wars and because if you learn Swedish you are basically ahead of the game there.

I would urge all of you who read this blog ( if there is anyone) to march with RemedyUk on 17th March to protest about this.http://www.remedyuk.org/page13/page13.php

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