Monday, March 28, 2022

The dastardly plan

 The governments and elites of well developed nations don't want to pay their populations anymore.  But how do you get rid of  so many people easily ? 

The pensions bill each year is exhausting because it's a pyramid scheme and the government can't be seen to be operating a pyramid scheme 

  End final salary pensions.   But we can't do that in the public sector  ,well  we'll just have to cull them.  The intelligent won't get vaccinated so we'll use them both ways.  But we still need people to work the levers.   We'll get cheap white labour from the Ukraine.   We'll start a little war and move them that way.    They're used to rubles so they earn much less and they don't mind working for nothing because it's better than what they left. They'll be grateful and they'll work for far less

Ukraine is mostly unvaccinated so we'll be able to get them to do the jobs without dying from the vaccine.  I tell you even the devil himself couldn't come up with such a plan

Vaccinate and kill off all the high paid shitheads, and kill them all except the babies who we can easily brainwash after they become orphans.   "But what about those who don't take the poison?"  They can suffer from higher bills until they go bankrupt and have to sell everything.  Then we'll look after them.  We can insert Ukrainians like cuckoos in the nest with extra money for them 

Eventually the Ukrainian will get their house because they'll be dependent on their new houseguests because they're so ill .  We're not building more houses

But we'll keep the housing bubble going.  , When it all crashes because we put up the interest rates they'll either default or have to take in Ukrainians.  Dastardly isn't it.   In the USA we'll use the Mexicans .  And how about Canada ?  Well we don't need them.  Vaccinate the lot of them.  Screw them.  Same with Australia and New Zealand.   We can have the mineral wealth and farming

  Don't need the people do we ?   We need servants in Europe but we prefer white ones here. 

The locals won't tug their forelocks.  We'll get their Ukrainian refugee grateful lot to replace them.  In service,  a new underclass. 

We can finally clear Ireland as well.